Hardwire Kits


Key Features:

Perfect for: parking

Hard Wire Kit for Dash Cameras that use Micro USB

Works with Blackvue, Goluk and more!

Protects Against Battery Dying

Less Complicated Install

Less RF Interference

Keeps 12V Outlet Free


Micro USB Hardwire Kit


1-Year Dashcamcenter Warranty



The Dash Cam Hard wire Kit with Micro USB is a must-have accessory if you’re using a dash camera in your car. It connects the camera directly to the car battery for continuous power. Your dash camera will always be charged, helping you keep an eye on your car when it’s on the parking lot.

When you connect your dash camera to the car’s fuse box, the battery provides a 24/7 hot circuit. That means that you can keep your camera charged all day long. Having a constant charge will help you protect against theft when your car is in the parking lot. Your dash camera will always have enough power to record all of the evidence.

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